Traffic Calming Services
Industry: Traffic & Roadway Safety
Project Type: Roads
Services: Project Management Assistance & Construction Inspection
Project Overview:
SB Thomas provides project management assistance services managing multiple traffic control, traffic calming, and safety improvement projects from design to project close-out.  SB Thomas is responsible for public coordination, creating the cost estimates, managing and inspecting the construction of each project, and reviewing and approving contractor payment applications.   The traffic calming projects include installation of speed humps and speed tables and the construction of traffic circles.
Project Role:
SB Thomas project management staff meet with leaders and residents to listen to complaints about unsafe traffic conditions in their districts and neighborhoods. Then, SB Thomas staff install traffic counters at select locations identified as being unsafe in order to collect traffic counts and speed data. Once the data is collected and analyzed, the type of traffic calming initiative and location for installation is identified. SB Thomas project management staff assists with getting the projects designed and then gets contractor bids to complete the work. SB Thomas staff is on-site during the construction to monitor the contractor’s progress and work and to address concerns from nearby residents. After the traffic calming solution is in place, SB Thomas’ project management staff again installs the traffic counters and analyzes the data obtained to determine how traffic counts and speed data was impacted by the traffic calming solution.